Sainte Catherine dialysis centre


The various committees

The hospital has various committees to improve the quality of patient care.

CLUD (Pain Management Committee)
CLIN (Committee to Combat Nosocomial Infections)
CDU (Users' Committee)

Pain Management Committee - CLUD

Pain assessment and treatment are an integral part of the CHP's establishment project. The centre has :

  • a CLUD (Pain Management Committee),
  • A pain team made up of qualified nurses and trained doctors,
  • pain protocols.

The establishment implements the principles of the contract of commitment to the fight against pain instituted by ministerial circular: n° 2202-166 of 30 April 2002.

If you or those around you suffer from pain during your dialysis sessions, you can talk to the nursing team and the doctor in charge of your care. To help us better adapt your treatment, you can indicate your pain level on a scale of 1 to 10.

Our aims:

  • Prevent : Pain caused by certain factors: injections, dressings, dialysis connection, etc.
  • Treat and relieve: Pain sometimes associated with everyday activities such as washing or simply moving around...

Our resources :

  • Measuring pain is essential for any treatment. Several pain assessment scales are used depending on the patient.
  • The second tool is communication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask the department manager.
  • The third tool is analgesics, which are used according to the degree of pain.

Nosocomial Infection Control Committee - CLIN

Our establishment has set up an internal committee Comité de Lutte contre les Infections Nosocomiales in accordance with the legal provisions in force. This committee is responsible for preventing and monitoring nosocomial infections, in particular by drawing up and implementing recommendations on good hygiene practice.

The establishment participates in hygiene training courses. The Hygienist and members of theOperational Hygiene Team are available to answer any questions you may have.

Their role is to

  • Prevent infections by checking and validating compliance with care protocols,
  • Monitor infections through regular surveys,
  • Drawing up and distributing recommendations on good hygiene practice,
  • Implement and evaluate control measures.
  • Improve the training of healthcare professionals in hospital hygiene,

If you have a question for our CLIN team, please write to the centre.

Users' Committee - CDU

A users' commission has been set up within our establishment (decree no. 2016-726 of 1 June 2016), in order to ensure that your rights are respected and to facilitate your procedures. The CDU also contributes through its opinions and proposals to improving the establishment's reception and care policy.

If you are not satisfied with your care, we invite you to contact the relevant manager directly. If you are not satisfied with this first step, you can ask to meet the person appointed by the establishment's management to receive your complaint or claim.

This person will ensure that your complaint or claim is investigated in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Public Health Code (Articles R.1112-91 to 94 of the Public Health Code are available from the Legal Department).

It will liaise with the Users' Commission (CDU). The mediator(s) will meet with you and your family, if necessary, to examine any difficulties you may be experiencing.

The centre's other bodies

  • The Social and Economic Committee (CSE) replaces the elected employee representatives in the company. It merges all the bodies: staff representatives (DP), Works Council (CE) and Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT).
  • The Conférence Médicale d'Etablissement (CME) brings together all the practitioners working at the centre. Its aim is to involve the medical profession in the management of the establishment. The Commission du Médicament et des Dispositifs Médicaux Stériles (COMEDIMS) examines all questions or problems relating to pharmaceutical products.
  • The Transfusion Safety and Haemovigilance Committee (CSTH) decides, with the EFS, on the rules to be implemented to guarantee patient transfusion safety.
  • The Identitovigilance Unit is a system for monitoring and managing the risks and errors associated with patient identification.
  • The aim of the Operational and Risk Management Unit is to analyse undesirable medical events in order to study their avoidability and devise preventive measures.
  • The Quality, Risks and Vigilance Committee (CRIVI) coordinates and deploys a quality dynamic, evaluates practices, and identifies and analyses risks in order to prevent them.


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Centre de dialyse Sainte Catherine

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Centre de dialyse Sainte Catherine

Immeuble U "CASONE"
20200 Ville-di-Pietrabugno

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Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.